Home » Benefits of the Children’s Tricycle

Benefits of the Children’s Tricycle

triciclo per bambini ProduceShop

Having to deal with a toy so classic that it has defied the flow of time is a great blessing. Let’s see why with ProduceShop.

A children’s tricycle is more than just a toy: it’s a real growth aid.

4 wheel tricycle without pedals bicycle for children Dopey
4 wheel tricycle without pedals bicycle for children Dopey
4 wheel tricycle without pedals bicycle for children Dopey
4 wheel tricycle without pedals bicycle for children Dopey
4 wheel tricycle without pedals bicycle for children Dopey
4 wheel tricycle without pedals bicycle for children Dopey

When you choose to make a purchase for your children, the first thing to consider is the possible risks and benefits; this is to avoid accidents, or your little ones getting hurt. Moreover, if you can choose a toy or an item that is also a tool for growth and development, it is always better to opt for this solution. The tricycle for children, for example, has remained among the most important products for them over the years; not just a simple means of transport/toy (and in some cases also a support for mums and dads), but a complete and fundamental system for the development of many skills.

ProduceShop, which offers different models and types of tricycles, wants to tell you in this article what the benefits of having one are, and why we have decided to expand our catalogue in this direction. All that’s left to you is to choose the prettiest model!

Children's Tricycle SPEEDY ZOE
Children’s Tricycle With Push Handle And Storage Basket Speedy

The tricycle: a bit of information

By tricycle we normally mean a vehicle that rides on three wheels, which means many things. We have motor tricycles, mechanical tricycles, electric tricycles and human-powered tricycles.

The latter, divided into adult and children’s tricycles, are the ones that interest us in this article (or at least the children’s). There are different types of tricycles for adults: trikes, i.e. more comfortable three-wheeled bicycles, velomobiles, i.e. trikes with a fairing, tripeds (hybrids between a scooter and a tricycle) and handbikes, used for leisure or for paracycling competitions by people with disabilities.

Children’s scooters are much easier to categorise: with or without pedals. If we really want to be very specific, we also have buggies/tricycles, which are a hybrid of the two categories, and assisted tricycles; the latter are classic tricycles with an extended handle that allows parents to push them.

Questa immagine ha l'attributo alt vuoto; il nome del file è triciclo-per-bambini-con-sedile-regolabile-cestino-portaoggetti-bip-bip.jpg
Children’s Tricycle With Adjustable Seat And Storage Basket Bip Bip

When is it best to get one?

Obviously, as when it comes to toys in general, there is no specific age.

Depending on the child’s height and the age range (or growth phase) in which he or she is, you can choose one type of tricycle or another. Let’s say that a first discriminating factor may be the period in which the child starts to walk; this is so that the baby develops greater confidence with the new mode of movement, gets used to being “higher“, improves coordination and balance.

For a first approach, a tricycle without pedals is ideal; pedalling movements may still be difficult at this stage, while a call to walking will be more natural. Later on, mum and dad could follow the first pedal strokes, perhaps using an assisted tricycle, replaced by a pushchair/tricycle for longer rides.

Finally, opting for a first independent tricycle, which could alternate with the use of a bike without pedals (balance bike), will be the end of this evolutionary path.

Children's Tricycle Stroller LALLY ZOE
Children’s Tricycle Stroller 3in1 Swivel Seat Push Pedals Lally

The advantages and benefits

We can now consider why: why we have chosen them for our catalogue, why you should give them as gifts (to your children or the children of relatives and friends). The physical, psychophysical and social benefits are numerous and, to give you an example, we will mention the most immediate and important ones:

  • development and refinement of motor skills, both general and specific;
  • development of coordination and balance skills;
  • increased awareness of the child’s own abilities:
  • first approach with the concepts of speed and fun in the open air;
  • first relationships with other children and sharing;
  • increased sense of direction;
  • considerable increase in a sense of autonomy and independence from parents;
  • improvements in the functioning of the cardiovascular, respiratory and muscular systems, which are essential for healthy growth;
  • improvement in channelling one’s energies, which contributes to the development of metabolism, sleep quality and the attentional sphere.

As you can see, the advantages and benefits of a first approach to a Children’s Tricycle are diverse. So what do you say? Let’s take a look at the ProduceShop catalogue to choose the most suitable model for your little ones?

4 wheel tricycle without pedals bicycle for children Dopey
4 wheel tricycle without pedals bicycle for children Dopey
4 wheel tricycle without pedals bicycle for children Dopey
4 wheel tricycle without pedals bicycle for children Dopey